Find violations
in Parking & get rewars

A Digital Crowdsourcing Enforcement Platform

Something About Us

The rapid advancement of technology is taking an ever more central role in the provision of effective traffic solutions. The old way of capturing violations and issuing tickets or fines is now being supported by technology. Enforcer is a digital enforcement platform whereby individuals can report traffic/parking violations and get rewards in return. The aim is to partner with municipal enforcement centers, government agencies, and private owners to minimize traffic and parking violations via advanced technology. Through the use of Enforcer, such violations will be reduced by 90%, transforming the world into a much safer place for both vehicles and people.

Increase the city hall human resources by civil enforcement of parking offenses

– Alice Johnson –

what people face PRoblems


  • Double Parking

    In is the type of violation In which the car is parked in such a way that the car is occupying the space of two vehicles or is parked out of the lane and it is disturbing the Symmetry of the Cars or occupying the unnecessary space, if a person sees this violation then a user will click the photo of the location and the longitude will be automatically saved with the photo. And it would be forwarded to the concerned authority for verification.

  • Overtime Parking

    This kind of Violation means a car is parked in a space for more than the permitted time, if a person sees this violation then a user will click the photo of the location and the longitude will be automatically saved with the photo. And the pic of the violation will be forwarded to the authority to cross verify about the the time.

  • Prohibited Parking

    It means if a car is parked in a no parking area the Enforcer can click the picture and send it to the authorized person and after the cross verification the enforcer would be rewarded.

We Expect
Excellence Services


Happy Invester


Awards Received


Total Blogs



35 WP Annyversary


35 WP Annyversary


35 WP Annyversary


35 WP Annyversary


Reducing crime

We expect that our crowdsourcing technique will reduce
violations by up to 90%.

Joe Martin -

Senior Develope

Large market potential

Due to the lack of effective solution for violations currently, a large market awaits an effective digital solution to this problem. ENFORCER will seize this opportunity and fill this gap.

Joe Martin -

Senior Develope

Innovative technologies

In order to overcome the problem of traffic violations, we have used advanced and innovative technology and automation systems. These include AI, ALPR, machine learning, smart algorithms, autopilot systems, drones, remote ground control systems, etc.

Joe Martin -

Senior Develope


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than six million car accidents occur each year in the U.S. About 6% of all motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. result in at least one death. Furthermore, about 90 people die every day in the U.S. from vehicle accidents (thewanderingrv, 2021).

To solve this problem and save lives, we plan to create a crowdsourcing platform that will help to reduce parking and traffic violations by enhancing enforcement coverage and providing direct, real-time communication between citizens and their respective municipalities or government agencies all over the world.

in Touch

Contact us for more information about working with “Enforcer”.

  • United States
    • +(00) 9999999999
    • 201 Oak Street Building 27 Manchester, USA
  • USA
    • +(00) 9999999999
    • 201 Oak Street Building 27 Manchester, USA
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